How to Remove the WordPress Version Using a Snippet


WordPress is a widely used content management system that powers millions of websites. By default, WordPress includes a meta tag in the website’s source code that displays the version number. However, revealing the WordPress version can pose security risks as it provides valuable information to potential attackers. In this guide, we will explain how to use a code snippet to remove the WordPress version from your website, and why it’s important to do so.


Before proceeding with the steps outlined in this guide, you should have the following:

  • A WordPress website
  • Administrator access to the WordPress dashboard

The Code Snippet

The code snippet provided below removes the WordPress version from your website by removing the corresponding meta tag from the source code.

 * Remove the WordPress version.
function remove_wp_version() {
    return '';
add_filter( 'the_generator', 'remove_wp_version' );


The code snippet provided above removes the WordPress version from your website. Let’s break down how it works:

  1. The remove_wp_version function is defined, which returns an empty string. This function will be used to replace the WordPress version in the meta tag.
  2. The add_filter function is used to hook into the the_generator filter, which is responsible for generating the WordPress version meta tag.
  3. The remove_wp_version function is passed as the callback to the add_filter function. This means that whenever the the_generator filter is applied, the remove_wp_version function will be executed.
  4. By returning an empty string from the remove_wp_version function, the WordPress version meta tag is effectively removed from the source code of your website.

Why is it Important?

Removing the WordPress version from your website is important for several reasons:

  1. Security: Revealing the WordPress version provides valuable information to potential attackers. If they know which version of WordPress your website is running, they can exploit any known vulnerabilities specific to that version. By removing the WordPress version, you make it more difficult for attackers to target your website.
  2. Protection against automated attacks: Attackers often use automated tools to scan websites for vulnerabilities. These tools rely on identifying the WordPress version to determine if a website is vulnerable to specific exploits. By removing the WordPress version, you reduce the likelihood of your website being targeted by such automated attacks.
  3. Obfuscation: Removing the WordPress version adds an extra layer of obfuscation to your website. It makes it harder for attackers to gather information about your website’s technology stack, potentially making them move on to easier targets.


Removing the WordPress version using the provided code snippet has the following effects:

  • The WordPress version meta tag will no longer be present in the source code of your website.
  • The WordPress version will no longer be visible to visitors inspecting the source code of your website.
  • Automated tools and potential attackers will not be able to easily identify the WordPress version of your website.


By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily remove the WordPress version from your website. This simple action helps improve the security of your website by reducing the risk of targeted attacks and making it harder for potential attackers to gather information about your website’s technology stack. Remember to regularly update WordPress and its plugins to ensure you are running the latest secure versions.

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